Who I am ?

Welcome to my presentation: Therapist specializing in psychocorporal trauma and post-traumatic stress disorders, also a life coach.

With recognized expertise in therapy and coaching, and frequently invited by radio media, I shifted my focus to victimology following significant events such as terrorist attacks and the Covid-19 crisis. My approach, both empathetic and pragmatic, enables me to support my patients in reaching, and often exceeding, their personal goals.

Important note: I do not treat issues related to smoking, alcoholism, overweight, or obesity.

With over fifteen years of experience, I have developed unique therapeutic tools gathered under the concept of the ixellor box. This includes powerful techniques such as emdr, which often allows, in just a few sessions, to eliminate the toxic causes and effects that disrupt your life.

Remember: You are the main actor in your transformation. You hold the key to your suffering. Together, with trust, we will work to guide you toward lasting healing.

Areas of expertise:

  • Physical and psychological abuse ;
  • Grief management (including sudden death);
  • Complex emotional disorders ;
  • Rape, incest, sexual harassment ;
  • Burnout, depression, professional exhaustion ;
  • Stress, anxiety, and recurrent fears;
  • Attachment disorders ;
  • Couples therapy ;
  • Moral harassment
  • Personal development coaching (career and private life);
  • Sleep disorders ;
  • Support for children and adolescents in difficulty.

Do you have any questions or doubts, or would you like to make an appointment? Get in touch!

If you have any further questions or doubts (including whether we can meet your requirements). Call our secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat, practice of « Coach de vie Belgique » for the attention of Philippe Bétourné.
Philippe Bétourné

Vous êtes coach ?

Vous êtes coach, vous travaillez à temps plein ou à temps partiel dans votre cabinet? coaching de vie
Cependant, trouver suffisamment de nouveaux clients peut être une difficulté pour de nombreux thérapeutes. D’autres ne sont tout simplement pas à l’aise en sollicitant activement de nouveaux clients.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations sur ce que nous pouvons faire pour vous en tant que coach indépendant, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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